Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is a small congregation located in Fayetteville North Carolina. We are members of the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) serving the local community and Fort Liberty.
We believe that all people need a Savior because all people have failed to meet God's requirements. God demands perfection and there is not a single person who is perfect. But at Beautiful Savior we have hope. God offers Christ's perfection for your imperfection. He offers Christ's death for your life. He offers forgiveness for your wrongs. He offers a home with him. Because Christ made his home among us. Find all that God offers here at Beautiful Savior. Find a love that never disappoints. Find a joy that cannot be stolen or crushed. Find a perspective that gives true wisdom. Find a friend who never fails.

Every church has its own style of worship. Beautiful Savior holds to the historic liturgy. It may take a couple of Sundays to become accustomed to our way of praising God and proclaiming what he has done. Each week the service is printed in the worship folder. You’ll find the Scripture readings and prayers printed there for you. You are certainly welcome to bring along your own Bible and follow along if you choose.
Our worship services have one major theme. The sermon, hymns, prayers and music all revolve around the Scripture readings for that week. Music certainly is an important part of our services. Loud or soft, in unison or rich harmony all our praises are music to God as we respond to hearing His Word. When pondering God's love for us and our opportunity to praise and thank him for that love.
"I rejoiced with those who said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the LORD'" - Psalm 122:1.